WebAssembly Calling Card (WACC)

Like an Avatar but WASM!

WebAssembly Calling Card logo
Screenshot of desktop WACC Viewer showing image rendered onto 2D surface and on a softbody in a 3D scene. Screenshot of desktop WACC Viewer showing image
rendered onto 2D surface and on a softbody in a 3D scene.


The initial WACC concept was formed while I was integrating a WebAssembly (WASM) runtime with a game engine. The first code example that I got running returned an unsigned 32-bit integer value. And—rather than spend time integrating additional runtime functionality—I decided to turn such integers into triangles for a more interesting first-run "hello world" experience. :)


Is it true that this is really just an elaborate demonstration
of your work-in-progress integration of a WebAssembly runtime
with the Godot game engine? Yes.

How did that happen..? Ummm...